The levels, including their backg rounds and characters, are very detailed. (It is possible to betray your friends and your master in training which in my opinion is pretty fun.) After the training, it will give you approximately 5 different levels to choose from to start. You do have to go through a training mode, after you play it for the first time though. Besides that, it is an action-packed, thrilling game! When you defeat an enemy that possesses a lightsaber, it will play back exactly how you killed him in kind of a matrix style - turn 360 while it shows it. Sometimes when you do a few actions one by one, it will just skip the first moves then only do the last one, instead of letting you wait to see all of them.

The game itself though, isn't without flaws. Just like all the Jedi Knight games, this game has GORGEOUS graphics. Star wars jedi knight jedi academy- AWESOME GAME!! Also featured are a number of new multiplayer modes on top of those included in 2002's Jedi Outcast. Rather than follow a linear story throughout the game, players are free to select which path of levels they wish to experience while learning their craft. Players will use these weapons as well as their Force skills in order to investigate and neutralize a new organization threatening to upset the order maintained throughout the galaxy. In addition to honing their skills with the weapon of the Jedi, players can fight enemies using a blaster, blaster rifle, Wookiee bowcaster, Imperial repeater, and more. Like Jedi Outcast before it, Jedi Academy blends third-person lightsaber battles with first-person exploration and shooting. Players can also customize their lightsaber by selecting its blade color and hilt type, with more lightsabers (such as the double-bladed version wielded by Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I) becoming available as players become more adept in their training.

The biggest addition to the franchise is the ability to create a character by choosing its species, gender, hair, facial features, and clothing.

As Skywalker's apprentice, players must learn the ways of the Force and embark on an adventure spanning more than twice the locales featured in 2002's game. Players begin the game in the prestigious Jedi Academy led by Luke Skywalker and Kyle Katarn.