The Jade set excels in dealing damage over time (DoT).
Soul Harvest reduces damage taken by 50% for 12 seconds and consumes your damage over time effects on enemies, instantly dealing 10,000 seconds worth of remaining damage. Soul Harvest gains the effect of every rune and has its cooldown reduced by 1 second every time you cast Haunt or Locust Swarm. When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals 3500 seconds worth of Haunt damage. However, the breadth of the skills it covers also means that it lacks the specificity of the other sets, and, as of patch 2.6.7, it’s the weakest of the four sets.
In general, the Helltooth playstyle is fast and bursty, which makes it ideal for speedfarming. Because it buffs so many different skills, you have a lot of options when it comes to putting a build together and picking complementary legendary items - you can find separate builds that combine the full six piece Helltooth set with Acid Cloud, Firebats, Gargantuans + Zombie Dogs, Grasp of the Dead, or Zombie Charger. In terms of sheer variety of builds, the Helltooth set has it made.
After casting Wall of Death, gain 9000% increased damage for 15 seconds to your primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Zombie Dogs, Gargantuan, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhas, and Wall of Death. After applying Necrosis to an enemy, you take 60% reduced damage for 10 seconds. Enemies hit by your primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Zombie Dogs, Gargantuan, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhas, or Wall of Death are afflicted by Necrosis, becoming Slowed and taking 3000% weapon damage every second for 10 seconds. The short version is that Helltooth is best for mid- to long-range pet builds, Jade for doing damage over time (DoT) at mid-range, Arachyr for getting up close and personal and channelling Firebats right in your enemies’ faces, and Zuni for both darts and pet builds at mid- to long-range. Carefully reading the bonuses for each set (I’ve listed them all below) will help to shed more light on where the set shines and how you can turn those bonuses to your benefit. Hey Lidrach! The main differences between each of the four Witch Doctor sets you mentioned are in how they play, what skills they synergise with, and what other items complement the set.